IT project management with ROI guarantee
for your new software in transport + logistics
"If you want to introduce new software in warehousing or transport, we will support you as a project partner from the first business case through all phases and tests until the return on investment is achieved after 6, 12 + 18 months of operation. We promise."
for IT projects
more benefits
With this approach, +Benefit Group was founded 2016 in Berlin as +Benefit Research and Consulting GmbH by Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing Rüdiger W. Schwarz and Dr. Dr. iur. Olga R. Gulina. Our Team today consists of very experienced IT project managers and IT project controllers, as well as external partners, who are committed to the success of your logistics + software + projects in Europe as responsible team members in our project partnership.

From many SCM, ERP, TMS and especially WMS projects since 1997 and from scientific research work, we know where it could get tough in goods receipt, transport scheduling or shipping. We help you to change processes, structures and IT systems in such a way that key figures (KPI) such as order processing time or transport utilization are measurably improved and the investment in your logistics software pays off for you, your owners, customers and employees.

Faster more benefits
In order to offer you our ROI guarantee, we work very methodically according to PRINCE-2 and the benefits management approach of Cranfield University. Both approaches are established in our project platform +Projectit and our knowledge database +Benefit 4.0 for investment controlling before, during and after your project.

In order to work together successfully, you need trust in the people who will be with you. We get involved with heart, hand and mind. The best way to decide whether we will accompany your project is in a personal conversation. The best thing to do is to call now!